Are you looking for La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah HD Wallpapers? Then you are in the right place. provided La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah HD Wallpapers.
Shahada is also known as (Aš-šahādah) in Arabic and Shahadat (Kalma کلمہ) in Urdu. This is the basic line of Islamic beliefs called “Kalima Shahadat” and is completed as “La Ilaha Illalah Muhammad ur Rasool Allaha”. Shahada is basically comprised of two Lines! First is “La Ilaha Illaha” which means the God (Allah) is the only one able to worship and part two is “Muhammad ul Rasool Allah” which means that Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is the Messenger of God.
La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah HD Wallpapers