Breaking up with someone who you love formerly isn’t easy for everyone. This is the time when a sense of guilt prevails deep outside, you don’t want to hurt the person you loved so desperately, but loving him her indeed after is getting more delicate than breaking his/ her heart. There are two tricks how you can breakup, the first and easiest way is just to walk down, this will make you reproachable. The alternate way is you express your feeling vis- à- vis why it’s so delicate for you to be in the same relation. The ultimate system will relieve you from a sense ofguilt.However, take help from our breakup messages collection, If you’re concluding second method.
- A lesson learnt well, never date a cheat and liar. I wish that nobody goes through what I have gone through.

- I am heartbroken, betrayed, hurt and disappointed in myself to make such a choice to date you.
- Goodbye to the person who I loved the most, I am shattered and I feel empty inside.
- Thank you for teaching me a lesson of not to trust anybody, I was blind and I don’t blame you.
- I don’t feel betrayed at all, I take it as a lesson to learn. The lesson is, never trust a liar like you. I wish no one does the same to you as you did to me. At last, I hope, I don’t get to see your face again. Goodbye forever!
- You are the kind of a man who deserves a woman who is all in for you. I am genuinely sorry that I am not the right woman for you. So, I wish that you will get the perfect match someday. Goodbye!
- I never meant to break your heart, but you never bothered to understand mine. We are not made for each other. So, I hope you will someday get your type of girl whose all qualities and abilities will be according to your match. Best of luck in the future. Bye!
- I just walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours. So now, I finally decided to break this relationship forever. We were never meant for each other. I hope I will get my right partner and you will get yours. Goodbye!
- You are the kind of a man who deserves a woman who is all in for you. I am genuinely sorry that I am not the right woman for you. So, I wish that you will get the perfect match someday. Goodbye!
- I never meant to break your heart, but you never bothered to understand mine. We are not made for each other. So, I hope you will someday get your type of girl whose all qualities and abilities will be according to your match. Best of luck in the future. Bye!
- I just walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours. So now, I finally decided to break this relationship forever. We were never meant for each other. I hope I will get my right partner and you will get yours. Goodbye!
- A lesson learnt well, never date a cheat and liar. I wish that nobody goes through what I have gone through.
- I am heartbroken, betrayed, hurt and disappointed in myself to make such a choice to date you.
- Goodbye to the person who I loved the most, I am shattered and I feel empty inside.
- Thank you for teaching me a lesson of not to trust anybody, I was blind and I don’t blame you.
- I have loved you with all my heart, you will never find someone like me. I hope you find another partner but still think about me.
- It’s hard to say goodbye to the person I love but I think this is what maturity is and since we are not compatible, it’s a good choice to move on.
- How could you never care about me and my feelings and just walk away like this. You broke my heart to pieces.
- I rejected everyone just to give time to you, to make love with you but you always kept me last. Heartbroken!
- I will miss your fake smile just to remind myself never to trust that kind of smile.
- I can’t stop crying, my heart aches but I will move on and become stronger. You have killed my feelings for you.
- You have proved that everything that is good, will not last long. We shared a beautiful relationship and now it is over. Good bye. I don’t want to talk to you ever again.
- I am unable to digest that the man who I thought is my perfect match is no more a match. This break up is like a nightmare that I want to end at the earliest. Good bye!
- Are you the man I once loved? How have you now shown me your side? I blindly loved you and trusted you, now all in vain. Good bye! Never ever try to contact me.
- I never thought I could be hurt by you. You have given me a big shock. I do not know if I will ever be able to see your face again. Good bye! Thank you for all the pain.
- I am done giving all my time to you and spending all my energy on you. Let us just overlook that we’ve even met and had a thing. I wish to not see you again or talk to you. Bye. Good luck.
- I am now sure that you like being a villain and peace sucker in my life. I’m done with that and I shall never wish to see you. This is a grand and final goodbye.
- I am aware that I will remember you every single day of my life. As said, time is the greatest healer. We both will be over it sooner or later. Thank you and have a good life. Goodbye.
- There is no trust left in our relationship. I can never look at you the same way I used to. It is okay that we’re just not good for each other. Life happens. All the best. Bye.
- As said, breakups are hard. I never know what to say or do, but I just have to end it all. I’m tired of being a number two in your life. I deserve a lot more than that. Thanks for reminding me, goodbye.
- I am done and tired of our fights. I have a life, a heart and you broke me into a million little pieces. I am no longer going to pretend nothing is wrong. Final goodbye.
- Even after trying my best, I couldn’t make it. I think it is better for both of us to move on and choose our desired path.
- Life was beautiful with you, I will take time to move out, but eventually, I would. So, goodbye and do take good care of yourself!
- For you, it was easy but for me, it wasn’t! I feel sad that even after spending so much time together, we could understand each other so well.
- Let’s separate for some time and see it things working for us. It’s the only solution I have for now. Goodbye!
- Its sad we are not together but I’m happy that you taught me a good lesson of not trusting anyone ever. Hate You!
- I could have moved on but I won’t because I wanna see your guilt face whenever you see me alone and broken.
- It’s easy to fall in love but it’s hard to forget love. Oh, it’s hurting a lot!
- I know you don’t wanna hear this from me, but I can’t stop myself saying you “I love You’!
- I have always loved you but you broke my heart into pieces. I tried my best to keep us together but you tried your best to fall apart. I will miss you!
- Missing you can not fix anything, once you were gone I had nothing to do but just to miss you. I loved you and I wish you would have done the same.
- I am not sad because you broke up, I am sad because you found reasons to break things up. I hope you find your happiness in someone else.
- A piece of thought to you doesn’t ruin somebody else’s life like you did to me because someone may not be as strong as I am.
- I never asked for a lot. All I ever wanted was to be liked by you for who I was, and not for who you wanted me to be.
- I was always there for you, my love always wanted to be with you, but when you cheated me it was your loss that you never understood.
- We have a bright future ahead of us just not with each other. Let’s be brave so that we can move on to better things. Goodbye.
- I walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, and I was busy overlooking yours. Trust is like a glass, once broken it will never be the same again.
- I know we had the life’s best time when we were together, but it is hard to be in the same relation as there is no place to breathe here. It is better, we stop dreaming. We should face the truth and walk off from each other’s life.
- I am slowing losing you and it is very painful for me. I know you will never return but at least we can end our story in a positive manner.
- I tried hard to express my feeling for you but you were never interested in understanding that. It’s painful to be a one side love relationship. Good bye.
- I don’t feel happy living in the relationship that you call is full of love. I need freedom from all the mess, so accept my final goodbye and forget me forever.
- You must have read I am distancing from you these days. Ending the suspense, all I want to say, I don’t love you anymore. Plz forgive me, maybe someone better is made for you.
- It is hard to accept that I don’t love you anymore, but separating from each other is better than being in a painful relationship that will consequently end one or another day.
- With this message, all I want to say, we have been in a good relationship that has no future. I want to end it now forever, goodbye.
- When a relationship becomes a liability, it should be discontinued. Our relation has also become the same and it should also be discontinued.
- We both just fight, argue and shout. No place is left for love, understanding and compassion. I think we should end this relationship at a beautiful turn, then ruining it more.
- You are the first girl I fall in love with, but I didn’t feel the same passion from your end ever. Now, I have decided to move on.
- There is nothing more painful than living in a fake relationship. It gives only disappointment. So, it’s the time to end all drama and be realistic. This is my goodbye message to you, stay happy.
- You wanted me to love you unconditionally, projected me as your partner but treated me as ur servant. Love has a condition, that is, respect your partner. I don’t want to be such relation. Goodbye.
- It’s not like one day love vanished from our relationship. It was consistent and gradual, we didn’t realize it. And now, there is no point discussing this. I loved you, but now no more. So, goodbye and live happily
- Our relationship has no future, let’s not drag it. Let’s conclude it at a happy turn and move on.
Table of Contents
Breakup Messages for Wife
When a boy decides to make her girl his wife, he commits her share his whole life with her. To love her no matter what, to take care of her, to respect her and to face different challenges that life through together. Breaking up with the wife is a tough decision that should be handled with care. Our breakup messages for wife will help you express your feeling and have a smooth breakup. We have an assemblage of breakup messages that will surely related to your situation.
- Even after putting all my efforts to make this relationship a love filled one, the result is zero. I feel this relationship is not made to work. Better we say goodbye to each other.