Breaking up is hard but breaking up over texts can be harder for a relation as it holds such a close place in our hearts. The wording is veritably important because if you don’t take your words rightly, it can produce a fuss and effects can go unattractive. We’ve some emotional breakup texts which can be used in the time of separation, some regardful bifurcation messages, and indeed sad bifurcation textbooks that will make him her cry. Wishing you good luck in your life and hope you’ll find then some emotional breakup messages for your soon- to- beex-partner.
Table of Contents
Breakup Messages
I don’t feel betrayed at all. I take it as a lesson learned. And the lesson is, never trust a liar. I wish no one does the same to you as you did to me!

All that always mattered to you was your happiness. You never tried to know how I feel inside. It can’t go on like this forever. Goodbye!
I would never fall in love with you if I knew from the start that you’d hurt me this much. But I don’t blame you. I was blind for the whole time!
It was hard to let go of our relationship, but I knew I had to save my wits. What once brought us together has ended, and we must part ways. Until we meet again, goodbye.
The rest of my life will be a blur of memories without you. I’ll carry a bit more weight in my heart for the rest of my life. Yes, I can succeed without you, and this will be my last message to you. Farewell!
You can have a thousand girls in your life, but you will never find the true love I gave you! It’s not a curse. In fact, I pray the best for you!
It’s hard to say goodbye to someone who has such a special place in my heart. But we are at the point of life where there’s no going back!
For you, I rejected the entire world. But I never expected you to reject me.
I used to think you were the man of my dreams, but after all the pain and suffering you’ve given me, I don’t even want to see you in my nightmares. Let’s end things and break up. I never want us to see each other again.
Goodbye, the man I once loved. I truly loved you, but I don’t love you anymore.
I can’t stop my tears right now. I had never thought of this moment in my life. I wish I was dead before saying goodbye to you!
It is better to be alone than stay in a toxic relationship like this. You have murdered all my feelings for you. Goodbye!
I never thought of falling in love with you for saying goodbye someday. But as it happens, you did not give me an option. So goodbye and good luck!
It’s fair to think that our relationship is officially over. On the other hand, I hope that everything goes swimmingly for you as you pursue your journey without me. Goodbye.
I hope you can forgive me for all the wrongs I have done to you! I too have no complaints against you! It’s just that our love didn’t work out!
The way you keep on doing things that hurt me shows how little I mean to you. Let us break up and not get involved with each other for the sake of our sanity. Goodbye!
It’s better to say goodbye than to say a thousand lies about how much we love each other. After all, we both know there is no love anymore!
I never thought of a tomorrow without you. But sometimes, life has other plans for us. I don’t blame you, but I blame my fate!
Time may heal my broken heart. But it can never erase your memories from my head. Our paths are divided, but my love for you will remain the same!
You are an angel that I couldn’t keep to myself. It’s all my fault because I always ignored the blessings you brought with yourself!
I consider myself lucky for having someone in life who loved me with a true heart! I’ll always be grateful to you for giving me a taste of true love!
The things you have done for me will always earn my respect for you until my last breath. I truly have no harsh feeling for you!
I will never be the same person as you knew from this moment. Now I know how pain can literally transform people into someone that they’re not!
I really wish we could text each other like we used to do always. But you don’t have the same feelings for me anymore! So, this is my last message to you!
Thanks for being a part of my life for a while. Maybe it was all fake for you, but for me, it was a dream that didn’t come true!
My mind hates you so much that it may stop me from texting you. But my heart will never let me stop loving you! Be happy!
Breakup Messages for Boyfriend
I know we have had the most wonderful times together but I think it is high time we changed our paths forever. You will always remain as a good memory, boy.