World Health Day: The day is celebrated under the leadership of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It focuses on some important health issues including mental health, maternal and child care, and climate change. The theme of World Health Day 2022 is “Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone.”
Table of Contents
World Health Day 2022: Quotes
1. “Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.” – Doug Larson
2. “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley
3. “Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.”- Charles Simmons
4. “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William Londen
5. “When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your whole life could change.” – Anette Funicello
6. “If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” – Leon Eldred
7. “Happiness is the highest form of health.” – Dalai Lama
8. “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” – Arabian proverb
9. “It Is Health That Is Real Wealth and Not Pieces of Gold and Silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi
10. “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha
11. “True Silence Is the Rest of the Mind, and Is to the Spirit What Sleep Is to the Body, Nourishment and Refreshment.” – William Penn
12. “True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.” – Charles Caleb Colton
13. “Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.” – Maxime Lagace
14. Three things in life – your health, your mission, and the people you love. That’s it! – Naval Ravikant
15. “A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” – Naval Ravikant
World Health Day 2022: Wishes and Messages
1. Your body hears everything your mind says. Happy World Health Day!
2. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise, we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom and keep our mind strong and clear. Happy World Health Day!
3. We never value our health until we lose it. Don’t let that happen and take care of your wellness. Happy World Health Day to you.
4. The world is a much better place to live when your health is in place. Wishing you a very Happy World Health Day.
5. Be rich and be happy by attaining health. Happy World Health Day!
6. Health is the only wealth that we all want to earn it. Happy World Health Day!
7. There is freedom in frees you from illness. Happy World Health day
8. You can look and feel good if you have good health. Happy World Health day.
9. Health is the greatest wealth. Happy World Health Day 2021
10. Belief cures more than drugs. Happy World Health Day!
11. Eat healthily and stay healthy. Happy World Health Day!
12. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, die gracefully. Happy World Health Day!
13. Good health is the foundation on which the success of your life is built. You can never move ahead in life if you stay sick. Happy World Health Day!
14. You can never buy good health, it is something which is priceless. Happy World Health Day!
15. Nothing can be more important in your life than maintaining good health. Happy World Health Day!
16. You will never get the confidence to achieve anything in life until and unless you maintain strong mental health. Happy World Health Day!
17. Let us organize different kinds of events and awareness programs on World Health Day to educate the public about the benefits of staying healthy. Happy World Health Day!
18. Staying healthy should be the prime focus of your life. Happy World Health Day!
19. Let us learn to respect the value of good health on World Health Day.
20. On the occasion of World Health Day, let us inculcate all the healthy values and practices in life.
World Health Day 2022: Slogans
1. Love your body because it is your home and will stay with you till your last day.
2. When you lose fat, you are winning against illness. Burn the fat and forget about the rest.
3. Give your time to exercise, or illness will take your time.
4. A happy body and mind are a sign of a healthy lifestyle.
5. Health is not only about losing weight but also gaining strength and stamina.
6. Do something today for yourself so that your body thanks you tomorrow.
7. Go healthy and happy!
8. An Apple a day does keep the doctor away
9. U can’t ‘get’ wealth if U R not in good health
10. Health is Wealth – Keep this treasure Safe
11. Health is a Boon – Care for it
12. Health is precious – Protect it
13. Fitter, healthier, happier
14. Life without health is like a hell!
15. You are what you eat!
World Health Day 2022: Poems
Wight of puny might
Junk the junk food
it’s dynamite
Shun the Sugar
it’s cyanide.
Avoid drinks and give up smoke
transform yourself into a nice bloke,
And you won’t have diabetes or stroke;
for depression cannot be
hidden in whirls of smoke
nor anxiety cannot be
shrouded by a joint of coke.
Nor Alcohol can dissolve the
molecules of stress
Nor amphetamine can
give you an ace in the race.
The body tyrannizes by a deluge of desires
bear the lashes of excesses diet
insatiably taken day and night;
It is attacked by an army of trans fat
and terrorist of cholesterol.
The arteries are thickened
and body is sickened;
Diabetes and strokes become
unwanted guest,
A penalty of satisfying
wanton tastes.
But when a man of vision
performs yoga in all seasons,
that suffuses his cells with
rejuvenating divine oxygen;
Then hidden viruses
on suicidal mission
gets trapped in
fortified cellular garrison,
And the bullets of oxygen
punishes them for trespassing,
with the charges of treason,
And all pampered cell rejoices
in unison without reasons.
Be considerate; Be moderate
Be calm and cool
Don’t be a damn fool
Treat your body as a precious tool.
Drink a wine of joy and peace
or wine of contentment and bliss;
For they are wines of health-
Nay all beings true wealth.
By Anjali Sinha
Health is Wealth
Rich or not
We all have got
Chances in lifetime
To live quite sublime
More rich people become richer
And the majority poor poorer
It’s not how much money brings a boost
But having enjoyed life not its cost
A healthy body makes an active mind
Once sick can’t make good things rewind
Beware of taking too much of everything
Good health is wealth and the best thing
By Marvin Brato Sr
Eat a balanced diet
Or else get into a fight
Do it with all your nights
Or else lose your sights
Leave aside the money
Get back some honey
Don’t be funny
Enjoy the Sun being sunny
By Meenakshi Singh
World Health Day Pictures