World Population Day Messages: World population day is an important day we observe globally on July 11 every year. Population growth and the pros and cons that come with it need to be evaluated and presented before the global citizen. What can be a proper opportunity than raising awareness through exchanging wishes, notes, slogans while celebrating World Population Day. Here we have brought a compilation of world population day messages, quotes, and slogans you can use on World Population Day 2021. Dive in to inspire thought.
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World Population Day Messages
Save the planet by not overflowing it with people. Enjoy the World Population Day.
Let’s change this beautiful world into heaven. We get only one life so let’s not waste the chance. Happy World population day.
Best Wishes on World Population Day for everyone. Smart planning of the population can be the best gift for our children.
We can support the planet, but can it support the rapid growth of the population? Let’s think about this question together. Have a great day.
Wish you all a happy world population day. Hope you all are much aware of what you must do and must not do.
Celebrate World Population Day keeping in mind how many people our world can contain. Best Wishes.
Not every growth is inspiring and beautiful if it hampers our home. Wish you all a very happy World Population Day.
Be responsible to manage the population before nature takes the responsibility into its hand. Happy World Population day everyone.
Work towards raising awareness against overpopulation to save our planet. Happy World Population Day.
We are leaving this world for the next generation, but they will never enjoy it if it is overpopulated. Be mindful of the fact in this world population day.
On this occasion of world population day, let’s together fight against the biggest problem of the world. Best Wishes.
Let us be more responsible for this celebration of world population day. Because together we can!
World Population Day Slogans
Birth Control is as easy as using a Cap. Try it!
Do not squeeze more people in one room. Happy World Population Day.
Let us be spacious on this planet for our own sake.
Family planning is better than family crisis.
Is there any other planet we can use for a living? If not then we better keep it spacious.
A small family is for a big happy life. Go for it on this world population day.
Population explosion can cause cancer…for the earth.
Before changing fashion trends, change population trends for the sake of the world.
One or Two is good! After that, control your mood!
World Population Day Message for Card
The earth has also a limit. Be mindful of that on this world population day.
Control the population today, enjoy a spacious and better world tomorrow. Happy World Population Day.
Not everything big is better! Like a big population for our small planet. Have a great world population day.
Checking on population growth is an absolute necessity. Do not ignore it. Preach this on this World Population Day.
Better to control the population than see it receding by nature or man-made disaster. Best Wishes.
Resources are limited, the population should be too. Let’s enhance our knowledge on family planning and population control on this world population day.
Relaxation time is over. To make our planet sustainable, let’s focus on rapid population growth. Happy World Population Day.
Imagine living with 10 people in your one-bedroom apartment. That is how the world will feel in the coming years. Raise awareness against overpopulation on this world population day.
World Population Day Message from a Company
On this occasion of world population day, take the pledge to control the population.
The environment can only be kept liveable if the population control is in our hands. Let’s work on this.
From us to you, A very happy world population day. Hope you know what your duty is.
Less problem with more space. Not talking about our office but the planet. Let’s make this possible. Happy World population day.
On this world population day, give importance and thought to mental health soundness. We are with you on this.
If we do not like overcrowding our workplace and home, why are we doing it to our planet? Think about it on this world population day.
Work hard and create enough space to live on this beautiful planet. Happy World Population Day.
Human rights should be given more importance – at our workplace, home, and in the world. Have a great world population day.
World Population Day Quotes
“Man begets, but the land does not beget.” – Cecil Rhodes
“In a region with a growing population, if you’re doing nothing, you’re losing ground.”- Stewart Udall
“The actual issue is not the excess of the population but the actions of the population.” – Amit Kalantri
“A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero.” – Garrett Hardin
“Population control is not an issue involving contraceptives for third world women. It is an issue of ecological justice.” – Vandana Shiva
“You might find no one. Love is one in a trillion. We’re eight billion.” – Karl Kristian Flores
“The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension in morality.” – Garrett Hardin
“Real problem is not a population explosion, but what the population is doing.” – Radhanath Swami
“There is a hugely underserved population out there… those who are the least capable of paying pay the highest.” – James Cameron
“Population growth is exceeding farmers’ ability to keep up…Our oldest enemy, hunger, is again at the door.” – Lester R. Brown
World Population Day Pictures